A downloadable game

When we came from the Old World we knew the Ironlands would be an unforgiving place. Yet none of us could anticipate just hostile the lands could be. Animals attack in the winter, the natives despise us, and each night horrors crawl forth to tear us to shreds. But the lands aren't entirely unfair. Those of us who've survived this far have become ever stronger. These gifts may change us for the worse, but we'll need them to survive.

Foes of Iron and Gifts of the Forge is an unofficial Ironsworn supplement. It contains over 30 brand new assets, and a dozen new denizens of the lands to serve as inspiration for your encounters and campaigns. In addition, it introduces a new mechanic for NPCs and two new types of assets.

Iron Talents are prompts, both mechanical and narrative, designed to make each NPC foe more threatening no matter its rank. They're to provide extra difficulty and new twists to combat, whether that be through the Hydra's healing factor or the Gatekeeper's ability to deny you the chance to resist death.

Transformations and Treasures are new types of assets for you to explore. Though the 32 new assets within include all the existing asset types, from companions to rituals, these new assets come with additional flavor for your world. Transformations are radical physical and spiritual changes to your Ironlander's self, granting them new abilities akin to paths. Treasures are relics and artifacts, sometimes of the Ironlands, sometimes of the Old World, whose histories and enchantments can be wielded to your advantage.

When I have more time available I intend to update this project with a document of the assets in plain text form so that it's easier to copy and paste them for use with digital tools, such as Iron Journal and Roll20.


Foes of Iron and Gifts of the Forge.pdf 1.6 MB

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