A downloadable game

In the distant lands of Ferone, men of steel walk the earth and mad sorcerers plot their ascension. The Lord of Iron, the immortal monarch known by countless names, has been bested by The Saint. The Feronian people are free of a century of tyranny, and yet the nation seems to only fall further into disrepair...

Shattered Fields is a supplemental setting for the Ironsworn RPG created as part of the 2024 Elsewhere Game Jam. Within its pages, you will learn the secrets of Ferone, a small country that has undergone an industrial revolution under the watch of a now-disappeared monarch.

Between six regions, nineteen assets (including 3 new asset categories in the forms of vow-changing oaths, powerful sorceries, and mechanical wonders), ten NPCs and a host of new and revised world truths, you can find everything you need to run your own games in Ferone's shattered fields.


Shattered Fields PDF.pdf 4.4 MB
Shattered Fields Assets PDF.pdf 7.1 MB
Shattered Fields Assets Plain Text.docx 1.5 MB
Shattered Fields Assets Plain Text.pdf 3 MB

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